Mr. Richard Yong WANG

Partner, Attorney-at-law, Patent Attorney

Mr. Richard Yong WANG

Mr. Wang received his bachelor's degree in 1991 from the department of computer science of East China Normal University and his master's degree from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994. Mr. Wang was qualified as a patent attorney in 1994 and attorney-at-law in 1995. In 2005, he received degree of master of laws from Renmin University of China.


From 1994 to 2006, Mr. Wang worked with China Patent Agent (HK) Ltd, as a patent attorney and director of Electrical and Electronic Department. Mr. Wang joined Panawell & Partners, LLC in January 2007.


In the past years, Mr. Wang has handled thousands of patent applications for both domestic and foreign clients, and he has extensive experiences in application drafting, responding to office actions, patent reexamination and invalidation proceeding, patent administrative litigation, infringement litigation, software registration and integrated circuit layout design registration. As a very experienced patent attorney and attorney-at-law, Mr. Wang also participated in many patent litigations on behalf a number of multinational companies as leading attorney. Mr. Wang's practices include computer hardware, computer software, communication technology, semiconductor devices and manufacturing process, automatic control and household electrical appliances, etc.


Mr. Wang received training in European patent law in UK in 2001 and US Patent Law and Litigation Practice Training Course in the U.S. in 2005. Mr. Wang is a member of the All-China Patent Attorneys Association (ACPAA), Sub-Committee of Electronic and Information Technology of ACPAA, LES China and AIPPI China, and FICPI China.


Mr. Wang's working languages include Chinese and English.


 1002-1005, 10th Floor, China Life Tower, 16 Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China       +86-10-85253778

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